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Amber Hickey chairs panel on "Decolonial Geographies" at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in New Orleans

Skawennati and AbTeC team, AbTeC Island [screen shot]
July 2, 2018

In April 2018, Amber Hickey chaired a panel entitled "Decolonial Geographies", sponsored by the Indigenous Peoples' Specialty Group, at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The panel explores the myriad geographies of decolonial action worldwide, and asked: Where are the fissures in colonial, capitalist, and extractivist realities? What movements, actions, and arts practices may we look toward as we envision and build decolonial futures? How might we connect the dots between geographically diverse creative resistance, in order to identify potential pathways toward decolonization?

Amber also presented a paper during the panel entitled “Rupturing Settler Time: New Media and Geographies of Indigenous Futurity.” The paper was recently accepted for inclusion in an upcoming special issue of World Artjournal on Indigenous Futurism.

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