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Ellen Takata presents on Asian Photography at Tel Aviv University

Series number 3331 ("Ba-Bieu, féroce lieutenant du Dề-Tham"), postcard by the studio of Pierre Dieulefils, Hanoi, Vietnam, ca. 1909
June 14, 2017

Ellen Takata of the 2014 cohort gave two presentations on Asian photography at the invitation of Dr. Ayelet Zohar of Tel Aviv University. For the June 7th meeting of Dr. Zohar's class “Colonial and Postcolonial Photography: Photography in Asia," Ellen presented Same Heroics, Different Heroes: Uses of “Rebel” Images and French Aesthetics from Vietnamese Colonization to Reunification, which updated previous research on French and Vietnamese uses of colonial photographs to generate various relations to Vietnamese history through different stories. 

series number 3331 ("Ba-Bieu, féroce lieutenant du Dề-Tham"), postcard by the studio of Pierre Dieulefils, Hanoi, Vietnam, ca. 1909Ellen similarly discussed the narrative possibilities of image arrangement for Dr. Zohar's graduate seminar on June 14th, “Inventing Japaneseness: Painting, Photography and Print, 1868-1940.”  In (Im)possible Codifications?  Story-making in Furuya Seiichi’s Image Sequences, 1985-2014, she considered the ways in which photographic books by Furuya Seiichi combine and re-combine images across his bodies of work in literal "re-collections."  In both presentations, Ellen continues to focus on multiple and ongoing associations of history and memory with images over time.