Jeppe Ugelvig

User Jeppe Ugelvig

User Ph.D. Student

Graduate Studies Division

Ph.D. Student


History Of Consciousness

Jeppe Ugelvig is a curator and historian who studies modern and contemporary art, with a focus on art's relationship with consumer culture. He holds an MA from Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College. He is the founding editor-in-chief of Viscose Journal.

commercial society and consumer culture; globalization; modern and contemporary art; authorship and originality; labor studies; fashion; digital culture; curatorial studies


Fashion Work 1993-2018: 25 Years of Art in Fashion. Bologna: Damiani, 2020.

“The Art Fair as Institution,” in Nathan, Johannes, ed. The Art Fair: The Rise of a Global Phenomenon. Leiden: Brill [forthcoming 2023].
“The Bastard Art of Styling” in Viscose Journal, no. 1, 2021.
“The Digiarchitextual Body – or: Brandon’s Corporeal Virtualities.” in Parallax 25, no. 2 (April 3, 2019): 155–73.
 “Viral Angst: On Performance and Social Media.” in Movement Research Performance Journal, Issue #55, Summer 2021, 56–61.

Last modified: Aug 17, 2024