Madalen Claire Benson

User Madalen Claire Benson

User PhD Candidate

Arts Division

PhD Candidate


Kresge College Academic Building

Porter Faculty Services

MA, Art History, Theory, and Criticism, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

BA (hons.), Specializing in Art History with a Minor in Philosophy, University of Toronto

Land-based contemporary art practices; critical settler studies; the politics of land, including land rights and land use management; liberalist property law; extractive capitalism and environmental justice.

Art and ecology, environmentalism, and environmental justice; art and law; spatial politics, including land use and land rights; land-based, place-based, and site-specific practices; activist art; critical settler and Indigenous studies; film and new media studies; Contemporary art from a global perspective

2023 - 27, Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, CAN

2024, Graduate Dean's Research Travel Grant, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, US

2024, Arts Dean’s Fund for Excellence & Equity, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, US

2024, Visual Studies Travel & Research Award, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, US

2023, Visual Studies Travel & Research Award, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, US

2022, Visual Studies Travel & Research Award, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, US

2022, Arts Dean’s Fund for Excellence & Equity, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, US

2021 - 2022, Chancellor’s Fellowship, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, US

2021, Regent’s Fellowship, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, US

2019, TANK Excellence Award, TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, CN

2019, Graduate Dean’s Professional Development Award, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL, US

2018 - 19, Graduate Student Scholarship, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL, US

2018 (Fall), Graduate Travel Award, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL, US

2018 (Spring), Graduate Travel Award, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL, US

2024, University of Oregon Symposium in History of Art and Architecture , Eugene, OR, US

2023, University of Massachusetts, Graduate History Conference, Amherst, MA, US

2022, Rutgers Art History Graduate Symposium, New Brunswick, NJ, US

2022, Midwest Art History Society Conference, Houston, TX, US

2019, International Association for the Study of Environment, Space and Place, 15th Annual Conference, Liverpool John Moores University,

Liverpool, UK

2019, Midwest Art History Society Conference, Cincinnati, OH, US

2018, Bodies of Resistance, Gender and Women’s Studies Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, US

2014, Art House Café Lecture Series, Grimsby Public Art Gallery, ON, CAN

"The Place of Poetics within Documentary Filmmaking: The Art of Fact, edited by Keith Marley." Visual Studies Journal, forthcoming (book review in a peer reviewed journal). 

"Cannupa Hanska Luger: Sé’sh Shóto’sh Psí’sh." Journal of Modern Craft 17.2, 2024 (exhibition review in a peer reviewed journal).

"Stitching the Wound: Land-Based Gestures of Healing and Resistance in the Work of Postcommodity and Maureen Gruben." Environment, Space, Place 12, no. 1 (2020): 1–24 (peer reviewed).

"Cut & Paste: Elizabeth Zvonar." Capture Photography Festival Catalogue, Vancouver, BC, CAN (2020): 39–40.

"Inside and Outside." Scroope: Cambridge Architecture Journal, University of Cambridge, UK, 25 (2016): 70–81.

Last modified: Aug 17, 2024