Arts Division
PhD candidate
Kresge College Academic Building
Porter Faculty Services
Evelyn graduated from University College London (UCL) with a B.A. in History and M.A. in History of Art. She is currently a PhD student in the Visual Studies program of University of California, Santa Cruz, working in the field of contemporary art and cinema in Sino-Southeast Asia. Her current research focuses on hydromedia hailing from Hong Kong, which considers the waterspaces surrounding the port city as a site of identity construction and contestation. She teaches and writes about diaspora, cultural identity, memory, and spectrality. As an art critic, she has received the “Hong Kong Art Development Awards - Award for Young Artist in Art Criticism” and was shortlisted in the International Awards for Art Criticism. As an art critic, she has been commissioned to contribute catalog essays by museums, including M+ (Hong Kong) and Asian Art Museum (San Francisco).
Hydromedia; seascapes; contemporary art of Sino-Southeast Asia and its diaspora; moving image works; diaspora and Sinophone cinema; regional imaginary; (post)colonial studies; visual construction of identity; intimacies, relationality, and community formation
Contemporary art and film of Asia and Asian diaspora; relationality; intimacies; cultural identity; history of trauma; memory
Modern and contemporary art of Asia / Asian diaspora; Asian visual culture; Sinophone cinema
SEACoast Junior Scholar Research Funds
Arts Dean's Fund for Excellence and Equity
UCSC Graduate Dean's Research Travel Grant
UCSC Regent's Fellowship
14th Hong Kong Art Development Awards - Award for Young Artist (Art Criticism)
International Awards for Art Criticism 2019 (short list)