Connie Zheng

User Connie Zheng

User PhD Candidate

Arts Division

PhD Candidate


Porter College Academic

Porter Faculty Services

Connie Zheng is a visual artist, writer, experimental filmmaker and scholar of environmental artworks and land-based practices. Her projects have been exhibited and screened internationally, and her work is held in the collections of KADIST and the David Rumsey Map Center at Stanford University. She received her BAs in Economics and English from Brown University, an MFA in Art Practice from the University of California — Berkeley, and is currently a PhD Candidate in Visual Studies at UCSC. 

Maps, spatial knowledge and land-based creative practices, contemporary art of North America and East Asia, video and moving image, documentary film, environmental justice, foraging

Selected grants/awards/fellowships/residencies:

2024: Graduate Student Research Fellowship, Agricultural Experiment Station, UCSC

2023:Speculative Pasts and Empathetic Futures grant (in collaboration with the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco), Robert H. N. Ho Foundation

2023: YBCA 100 Awardee, Yerba Bueba Center for the Arts (SF, CA)

2021: Creative Ecologies Fellowship, UCSC

2021: Project grant, Puffin Foundation

2021: Interdisciplinary residency, Oak Spring Garden Foundation (Upperville, VA)

2020-2021: Chancellor's Award, UCSC

2020-2021: Regent's Fellowship, UCSC

2020: Kadist Research Fellowship, KADIST (San Francisco, CA)

2018: Catherine and William L. Magistretti Graduate Fellowship, UC Berkeley

2018: Center for Chinese Studies Summer Research Grant, UC Berkeley

2018: Eisner Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Art Practice, UC Berkeley

Last modified: Feb 03, 2025