Glyn Allan Langdale

User Glyn Allan Langdale

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Allan Langdale specializes in the art and architecture of the eastern Mediteranean, including Italy, Turkey, and Cyprus. Allan received his PhD in Italian Renaissance art history and the historiography of art history from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He has also taught courses in film and film theory at UC Santa Barbara. Other courses include Prints and Print Culture, the Art & Architecture of India, and Byzantine Art & Architecture. Allan is also a photographer and director/writer of the documentary film The Stones of Famagusta: the Story of a Forgotten City (2008). His books include Hugo Munsterberg on Film (2013), In a Contested Realm: An Illustrated Guide to the Archaeology and Historical Architecture of Northern Cyprus (2012), Palermo, Travels in the City of Happiness (2015), and The Hippodrome of Istanbul / Constantinople (2019).  Allan is also a lecturer for the educational travel company Smithsonian Journeys. Other informaton and links can be found on his website Allan's Art & Architecture Worlds

Selected Articles 

“History and Hybridity in the Trapeza Church near Famagusta, Cyprus,” Journal of the Cyprus Historical Society (2014), 37-70.

“Pillars and Punishment: Spolia and Venetian Authority in Famagusta,” in Lusignan to Venetian Cyprus. The Harbour of All this Sea and Realm, N. Coureas, T. Kiss, & M.
Walsh eds. Central European University Press, Budapest, Medievalia Series, 2014, 159-167.

“Vividness”, entry in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory, Edward Branigan and Warren Buckland eds. Routledge, 2013.

“The Marginal Sculptures of the Cathedral of St Nicholas, Famagusta” in Medieval Famagusta, Michael Walsh and Peter Edbury eds. Ashgate, London, 2012.

“At the Edge of Empire: Venetian Architecture in Famagusta, Cyprus” Viator: Medieval & Renaissance Studies 41, n. 1 (2010), 155-198.

“The Architecture and Mosaics of the Basilica of Agias Trias in the Karpas Peninsula, Cyprus” Journal of Cyprus Studies 15, n. 37 (2009), 1-18.

“Linguistic Theories and Intellectual History in Michael Baxandall’s Giotto and the Orators” Journal of Art Historiography 1 (2009), 1-14.

“Interviews with Michael Baxandall” Journal of Art Historiography 1 (2009), 1-31.

“The Architecture, Conservation History and Future of the Armenian Church in Famagusta” Chronos 19 (2009), 7-29.

“A Report on Three Newly Accessible Churches in the Syrian Quarter of Famagusta” Journal of Cyprus Studies 13, n. 33 (2007), 105-123. 

“Aspects of the Critical Reception and Intellectual History of Baxandall's Concept of the Period Eye,” Art History 21, n. 4 (Dec. 1998), 479-497. 

Film Production
Co-producer, writer, co-director, host of The Stones of Famagusta: the Story of a Forgotten City, an award-winning 70-minute documentary on the history and architecture of Famagusta, Cyprus.  

Education and Training:  Ph.D. in Art History, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1996 M. A. in Art History, University of British Columbia, 1989 Bachelor of Education, Simon Fraser University, 1986 Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, Simon Fraser University, 1980

Last modified: Sep 05, 2024