Transfer Credit
Transfer Credit Policy
A student may transfer up to three lower-division and two upper-division art history courses toward HAVC major requirements. A student may transfer up to three lower-division art history courses toward HAVC minor requirements. Keep in mind that lower-division courses must each satisfy a different geographic region to fulfill a requirement for both the major and minor (refer to program requirements in the UCSC General Catalog for details).
Letter grade policy applies. Transfer credit can only be awarded for courses that were completed with a grade of C or better (or Pass).
Transfer Credit for California Community College Courses
Refer to the ASSIST articulation agreements at www.assist.org for approved lower-division courses offered at California community colleges. If a course is not included in ASSIST, that does not necessarily mean it cannot fulfill a requirement. It just means it has not been previously articulated and a transfer petition is needed.
Transfer Credit for Courses Taken from Four-Year or Out-of-State Institutions
Because there is no previously established articulation available, a transfer credit petition is needed.
Transfer Credit for Courses Taken Abroad
UC Santa Cruz Global Learning provides excellent opportunities to take courses related to history of art and visual culture in a range of locations. The department strongly encourages HAVC majors and minors to take advantage of these educational opportunities. Some students may choose to petition for transfer credit toward HAVC requirements for courses taken abroad. Courses cannot be pre-approved in advance, but please consult with the HAVC undergraduate advisor for guidance when planning your courses. Please retain all relevant documentation (syllabi, reading lists, papers written, etc.) to support your case.
Transfer Credit Petition Requirements
A comprehensive syllabus is required to petition for transfer credit. The syllabus must include:
- Course number, title, and term offered
- Course description
- Course learning outcomes
- Assignments (including how the final grade is calculated)
- Week-by-week topics
- Reading assignments (including page numbers)
Petitions are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. We look for evidence that the course(s) provided critical analysis of the class material in its social and cultural context, as well as significant reading and writing requirements.
Transfer Credit Petition Process
- Submit a comprehensive syllabus and any supporting documentation (reading lists, papers written, etc.) to the HAVC undergraduate advisor by email to havc@ucsc.edu. Clarify the requirement you are petitioning to satisfy.
- The materials will be evaluated by the HAVC Department Curriculum Committee (the committee convenes only during the standard academic year)
- If necessary, additional information may be requested
- The undergraduate advisor will notify you of the petition outcome by email
- An exception will be entered in your Degree Progress Report (DPR), which can be found in your MyUCSC Portal
- Please note that the grade for the course must be posted in your student records, and that transfer credit can only be awarded for courses that were completed with a grade of C or better (or Pass)
Additional Considerations for Transfer Students
Transfer students are not required to complete specific major preparation courses for consideration of admission to UC Santa Cruz. Students are, however, encouraged to complete up to three of their lower-division history of art and visual culture requirements prior to transfer (program requirements can be found in the UCSC General Catalog). Prospective students are also encouraged (but not required) to complete the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or to complete all UC Santa Cruz general education requirements before transfer. Transfer students are strongly encouraged to consult with the HAVC undergraduate advisor to receive support before enrolling in classes for their first quarter at UCSC.