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Casey Mchugh

Casey Mchugh Portrait

Casey is a fourth-year HAVC and literature major from Santa Monica, CA. She is concentrating on both Curation, Heritage, and Museums and Creative Writing. Her academic interests include environmental art, museum architecture and how to provide a theoretical framework for artistic analysis. She enjoys discussing female surrealists (like Remedio Varos, Oda Iselin Sonderland, Leonora Carrington), and watching children shows and films from the early 1900s. She enjoys writing poetry, playing and seeing music, hiking, swimming, and exploring the Bay Area. She will be working at the IAS Museum this school year. She’s completed both an internship at the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles and the Clare Wedding Internship at the Sesnon. She is always open to talk about her love for HAVC or just talk in general! 

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